ইউনিভার্সিটি অফ টোয়েন্টে (UT)

Founded 1961 as Technische Hogeschool Twente. Acquired present title and status 1986. It is now an Institute for Research and Education at University level, focussing on technological development and its social context. In January 2010 merged with the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation.

Funding: Public
Accreditation: Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organisation, European Association for Public Administration Accreditation
Grades 2
Languages 2
Divisions 9
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: EUR
  • Admission details: Dutch VWO or equivalent
সংক্ষিপ্ত অনলাইন কোর্স 6
Your currency: USD

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