ওসলো স্কুল অব আর্কিটেকচার অ্যান্ড ডিজাইন (AHO)

নরওয়ে, অসলো , Postboks 6768 St. Olavs plass

Founded 1945 as Statens Arkitektskole, acquired present title 1969. A State Institution governed by a Board appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research. The school is an autonomous institution within the Norwegian university system. The School offers a unique research-based education with a strong international standing within the fields of architecture, urbanism, design and landscape architecture.

Funding: Public
Accreditation: Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
Grades 2
Languages 1
Divisions 4
  • Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Vitnemål fra videregående skole) and entrance examination

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