বেকনহাউস ন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি (BNU)
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 7
- Psychology Institute
- Maria Dawood School of Visual Arts and Design School
- Razia Hassan School of Architecture SchoolFields of study: স্থাপত্য
- School of Computer and Information Technology School
- School of Education School
- School of Media and Mass Communication School
- Seeta Majeed School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciecnes School
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: PKR
25,000.00PKR – 2,16,500.00PKR
অনুরূপ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Your currency: USD
88.97US$ – 770.46US$