একাডেমিক আইন ইনস্টিটিউট
Founded 1993 as Akademičeskij Pravovoj Universitet pri Institute Gosudarstva i Prava Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Academic Law University (Institute of Law of the Russian Academy of Science)). Acquireed current title 1999.
Grades 1
পেশাদারী ডিগ্রী
or equivalent
Divisions 5
- Civil Law Department/DivisionFields of study: সিভিল আইন
- Criminal Law Department/DivisionFields of study: ফৌজদারি আইন
- International Law Department/DivisionFields of study: আন্তর্জাতিক আইন
- Public Law Department/DivisionFields of study: সার্বজনীন আইন
- Theory and History of State and Law Department/Division