শারীরিক শিক্ষা সাইবেরিয়ান স্টেট ইউনিভার্সিটি (SibGUFK)
Founded 1950, acquired present status and title 2003.
Grades 4
Languages 1
Divisions 23
- Physical Education CollegeFields of study: শারীরিক শিক্ষা
- Anatomy, Physiology, Sports Medicine and Hygiene Department/Division
- Biomedical Foundations of Physical Education and Sports Department/Division
- Foreign Languages Department/DivisionFields of study: আধুনিক ভাষা
- Management, Economics and Law of Physical Education Department/Division
- Pedagogy Department/DivisionFields of study: শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান
- Physical Education Teaching Methods Department/Division
- Psychology Department/Division
- Public Relations Department/DivisionFields of study: জনসংযোগ
- Theoretical and Applied Physics and Mathematics Department/Division
- Theory and History of Physical Education and Sports Department/Division
- Theory and Methodology of Adaptive Physical Education Department/DivisionFields of study: শারীরিক শিক্ষা
- Theory and Methodology of Sports Department/Division
- Theory and Methods of Athletics Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Sports and Recreation Activities Department/Division
- Theory and Methods of Boxing, Fencing and Martial Arts Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Cycling and Skating Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Football and Hockey Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Gymnastics Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Navigation Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Skiing Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theory and Methods of Tourism and Socio-Cultural Services Department/Division
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Attestat o srednem obrazovanii) or equivalent, and sports achievement not lower than 2nd sporting grade