ইউরল স্টেট একাডেমি অফ ল
Founded 1931 as Sverdlovsk Institute of Law, acquired present status and title 1992.
Grades 2
পেশাদারী ডিগ্রী,
ডাক্তারের ডিগ্রী
or equivalent
Languages 1
Divisions 22
- Administrative Law Department/Division
- Business Law Department/DivisionFields of study: বাণিজ্যিক আইন
- Civil Law Department/DivisionFields of study: সিভিল আইন
- Civil Procedure Department/DivisionFields of study: সিভিল আইন
- Constitutional Law Department/DivisionFields of study: সাংবিধানিক আইন
- Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries and International Law Department/Division
- Criminal Law Department/DivisionFields of study: ফৌজদারি আইন
- Criminal Procedure Department/DivisionFields of study: ফৌজদারি আইন
- Ecological and Land Law Department/Division
- Economic Theory Department/Division
- Employment and Labour Law and Social Security Department/Division
- Financial Law Department/Division
- Foreign Languages Department/Division
- History of State and Law Department/DivisionFields of study: রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান
- Legal Information Technology Department/Division
- Legal Psychology and Forensic Examination Department/Division
- Municipal and International Law Department/Division
- Philosophy and Sociology Department/Division
- Prosecution Department/Division
- Social Law, State and Municipal Service Department/Division
- Theory and Practice of Management Department/DivisionFields of study: ম্যানেজমেন্ট
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Attestat o srednem obrazovanii)