ক্যান্টাব্রিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (UC)
Founded 1972 as University of Santander, incorporated a School of Civil Engineering and a Faculty of Science established 1967. Established as a campus of the University of Valladolid 1968. Acquired present status 1985. In 1996 jurisdiction in university matters was handed over to the Cantabrian Autonomous Community.
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 45
- Rural Studies CentreFields of study: গ্রামীণ স্টাডিজ
- Anatomy and Cell Biology Department/Division
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Department/Division
- Applied Physics Department/DivisionFields of study: ফলিত পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান
- Business Administration Department/DivisionFields of study: ব্যবসা প্রশাসন
- Chemical Engineering and Inorganic Chemistry Department/Division
- Communication Engineering Department/DivisionFields of study: টেলিযোগাযোগ প্রকৌশল
- Earth Sciences and Condensed Matter Physics Department/Division
- Economy Department/DivisionFields of study: অর্থনীতি
- Education Department/DivisionFields of study: শিক্ষা
- Electrical and Energy Engineering Department/Division
- Electronic Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department/Division
- Electronics and Computers Department/Division
- Modern and Contemporary History Department/Division
- Geographical Engineering and Graphic Expression Techniques Department/Division
- Geography, Regional and Urban Planning Department/Division
- Ground and Materials Science and Engineering Department/DivisionFields of study: উপকরণ প্রকৌশল
- History Department/DivisionFields of study: ইতিহাস
- Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Department/Division
- Medical and Surgical Sciences Department/Division
- Medicine and Psychiatry Department/Division
- Modern Physics Department/DivisionFields of study: পদার্থবিদ্যা
- Molecular Biology Department/DivisionFields of study: আণবিক জীববিজ্ঞান
- Navigation and Shipbuilding Sciences and Techniques Department/Division
- Nursing Department/DivisionFields of study: নার্সিং
- Physiology and Pharmacology Department/Division
- Private Law Department/DivisionFields of study: ব্যক্তিগত আইন
- Public Law Department/DivisionFields of study: সার্বজনীন আইন
- Transport and Project and Process Technology Department/DivisionFields of study: পরিবহন এবং যোগাযোগ
- Water and Environmental Sciences and Techniques Department/Division
- Tourism SchoolFields of study: ভ্রমণব্যবস্থা
- Economics and Business Administration Faculty
- Education FacultyFields of study: শিক্ষা
- Law Faculty
- Medicine FacultyFields of study: ঔষধ
- Philosophy and Humanities Faculty
- Science Faculty
- Physics InstituteFields of study: পদার্থবিদ্যা
- Prehistoric Research Institute
- Civil Engineering SchoolFields of study: সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং
- Civil Navy Studies SchoolFields of study: সামুদ্রিক বিজ্ঞান ও মহাসাগর
- Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering School
- Mining Engineering SchoolFields of study: খনির প্রকৌশল
- Nursing SchoolFields of study: নার্সিং
- Physiotherapy SchoolFields of study: শারীরিক চিকিৎসা
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (bachiller or professional training) and pre-university examination (selectividad), or entrance examination for students over 25 years of age