লুগানস তাস শেভচেঙ্কো জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (LTSNU)
Founded 1923 as Donetsk Institute of Public Education, reorganized 1993 as branch of East Ukrainian State University, Lugansk and acquired status and title of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University in 2003. Acquired current title and status 2008
Ministry of Education and Science , Youth and Sport of Ukraine
Grades 4
Languages 2
Divisions 63
- Lysychans'k CollegeFields of study: শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান
- Amenity Horticulture and Ecology Department/Division
- Anatomy and Physiology of Humans and Animals Department/Division
- Biology Department/DivisionFields of study: জীববিদ্যা
- Cultural Studies, Cinema and Television Department/Division
- Defectology and Psychological Correction Department/Division
- Design Department/DivisionFields of study: নকশা
- Document Science and Information Activity Department/DivisionFields of study: তথ্য বিজ্ঞান
- Economics and Applied Statistics Department/Division
- Economics and Management Department/Division
- Engineering and Pedagogical Disciplines Department/Division
- English Philology Department/Division
- Food Technology Department/DivisionFields of study: খাদ্য প্রযুক্তি
- Foreign Languages Department/Division
- Geography Department/DivisionFields of study: ভূগোল
- Ukrainian Philology Faculty
- History of Ukraine Department/DivisionFields of study: ইতিহাস
- Informational Technologies and Systems Department/DivisionFields of study: কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান
- Journalism and Publishing Department/DivisionFields of study: সাংবাদিকতা
- Laboratory Diagnostics Department/DivisionFields of study: ল্যাবরেটরি কৌশল
- Landscape Design and Ecology Department/Division
- Management Department/DivisionFields of study: ম্যানেজমেন্ট
- Marketing Department/DivisionFields of study: মার্কেটিং
- Mathematic Analysis and Algebra Department/DivisionFields of study: অংক
- Mathematics Department/DivisionFields of study: অংক
- Psychology Department/DivisionFields of study: মনোবিজ্ঞান
- Olympic and Professional Sports Department/DivisionFields of study: শারীরিক শিক্ষা
- Pedagogy Department/DivisionFields of study: শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান
- Philological Disciplines Department/DivisionFields of study: ভাষাতত্ত্ব
- Philosophy and Sociology Department/Division
- Physical Education Department/DivisionFields of study: শারীরিক শিক্ষা
- Physical Rehabilitation and Health Science Department/Division
- Physics and Nanotechnologies Department/Division
- Political Science and Law Department/Division
- Preschool and Primary Education Department/Division
- Psychology and Pedagogy Department/Division
- Romanic and Germanic Languages Department/Division
- Russian Linguistics and Communicative Techniques Department/DivisionFields of study: ভাষাবিদ্যা
- Social Pedagogy Department/DivisionFields of study: শিক্ষা মনোবিজ্ঞান
- Social Work Department/DivisionFields of study: সামাজিক কাজ
- Speech Practice Department/DivisionFields of study: ভাষাবিদ্যা
- Sports Disciplines Department/DivisionFields of study: স্পোর্টস
- Theoretical and Applied Computer Science Department/DivisionFields of study: কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান
- Stakhaniv FacultyFields of study: কম্পিউটার শিক্ষা, শিক্ষাবিষয়ক প্রযুক্তি, মানবতা ও সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান শিক্ষা, প্রাক্কলন শিক্ষা, প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা
- Starobilsk FacultyFields of study: শিক্ষাবিষয়ক প্রযুক্তি, ভাষাতত্ত্ব, সামাজিক শিক্ষা, শিক্ষা মনোবিজ্ঞান, শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান, প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা
- Theory and Methodology of Physical Education Department/Division
- Theory and Practice of Translation/ Interpretation Department/DivisionFields of study: অনুবাদ এবং ব্যাখ্যা
- Tourism and Hotel Management Department/Division
- World Literature Department/DivisionFields of study: সাহিত্য
- Foreign Languages Faculty
- History Faculty
- Natural Sciences Faculty
- Physical Education Faculty
- Pre-University Education Faculty
- Preparatory Training Faculty
- Roven'ki Faculty
- Culture and Arts Institute
- Economics and Business Institute
- Information Technology Institute
- Pedagogy and Psychology Institute
- Physical Culture and Sports Institute
- Trade, Service Technologies and Tourism Institute
- Musical SchoolFields of study: সঙ্গীত
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: UAH
500.00UAH – 5,550.00UAH
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Atestat zrelosti) and entrance examination
অনুরূপ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Your currency: USD
11.97US$ – 132.85US$