গ্লাসগো ক্যালেডোনিয়ান বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Founded 1875, became a Central Institution 1985, and as Glasgow Polytechnic, merged with the Queen's College, Glasgow, 1993 with present title.

Funding: অজানা
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 3
  • Admission details: Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) with 3 passes at Higher ('H') grade and 2 passes at Ordinary/Standard grade, or 4 passes at 'H' grade. General Certificate of Education (GCE) with minimum 2 Advanced 'A' level passes plus 2 Ordinary ('O') level/GSCE. International Baccalaureate and other foreign equivalents. Foreign students, IELTS 6.0/TOEFL 560 minimum score

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