লন্ডন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় - প্যারিসে লন্ডন ইনস্টিটিউট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (ULIP)

ফ্রান্স, Paris , 9-11, rue de Constantine

Founded 1894 as the Guilde Internationale. Became British Institute in Paris (part of Université de Paris) 1927. Transferred to the University of London 1969. Acquired present title 2004.

Funding: Public
Grades 4
Languages 2
Divisions 4
  • Admission details: All students complete a standard placement test to establish level in language. Admission to general Language Courses is only regulated by age (17 minimum). Admission to some specific courses depends on professional background (e.g. experience of Management, position as Teacher). Admission to BA courses depends on previous qualifications and an interview. Admission to MA courses depends on level and subject of BA

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