সিনসিনাটি আর্ট আর্ট একাডেমি
Founded 1869 as the McMicken School of Design and later became one of the first established departments of the University of Cincinatti. Acquired current title 1887. Bachelor's programme authorised 1979 and Master's programme added 1995.
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 9
- Illustration Course/ProgrammeFields of study: ড্রয়িং
- Art History Course/ProgrammeFields of study: শিল্প ইতিহাস
- Creative Writing Course/ProgrammeFields of study: লেখা
- Drawing Course/ProgrammeFields of study: পেন্টিং এবং অঙ্কন
- Painting Course/ProgrammeFields of study: পেন্টিং এবং অঙ্কন
- Photography Course/ProgrammeFields of study: ফটোগ্রাফি
- Printmaking Course/ProgrammeFields of study: মুদ্রণ এবং মুদ্রণযন্ত্র
- Sculpture Course/ProgrammeFields of study: ভাস্কর্য
- Visual Communication Design Course/Programme