ওয়ার্নার প্যাসিফিক কলেজ
Founded 1937 as Pacific Bible College. Acquired present title 1959. A private institution affiliated with the Church of God.
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 7
- Business Department/Division
- Education Department/Division
- Humanities Department/DivisionFields of study: আমেরিকান স্টাডিজ, সামাজিক শিক্ষা, ব্রহ্মবিদ্যা, যোগাযোগ স্টাডিজ, দর্শন, সাহিত্য, ইতিহাস, ইংরেজি
- Music Department/Division
- Natural Sciences and Health Department/Division
- Religion and Christian Ministries Department/Division
- Social Sciences Department/Division
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: USD
9,885.00US$ – 9,885.00US$
- Admission details: Graduation from high school or equivalent, and College Board SAT or ACT examination. TOEFL test for foreign students
অনুরূপ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Your currency: USD
9,885.00US$ – 9,885.00US$