পন্টিফিকাল লেটারন ইউনিভার্সিটি (PUL)
Founded 1773 by Pope Clement XIV as "Collegio Romano". Moved to the Lateran hill 1937 and became Pontificio Ateneo Lateranense and Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis 1959. Directly dependent on the Holy See, legally established in the Vatican City State. Under the jurisdiction of the Congregation for Catholic Education.
Grades 2
ডাক্তারের ডিগ্রী,
স্নাতক ডিগ্রী
or equivalent
Languages 1
Divisions 7
- Philosophy FacultyFields of study: দর্শন
- Advanced Studies Centre
- Canon Law Faculty
- Civil Law Faculty
- Sacred Theology FacultyFields of study: ব্রহ্মবিদ্যা
- Pastoral Studies Institute
- Utriusque Iuris Institute
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: EUR
300.00€ – 1,250.00€
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate or high school graduation certificate (level of study required for access to university in student's home country)
অনুরূপ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Your currency: USD
311.99US$ – 1,299.98US$