ফেডারেল ইউনিভার্সিটির সাও জোওও দেল রে (UFSJ)
The Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) was created in 1986, as a Foundation for Higher Education in São João del Rei (Funrei), resulting from the unification and federalization of two institutions: the College of Philosophy Dom Bosco, Sciences and Letters, whose activities began in 1954, maintained by the Province of St. John Bosco, and the Municipal Foundation of São João del Rei, maintainer of the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences (Faceac) and Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Faein), whose activities began in 1972 and 1976 respectively. On April 19, 2002, Funrei was transformed into a university by Law 10.425, adopting the acronym UFSJ, elected by the academic community.
Grades 4
Languages 1
Divisions 30
- Educational Sciences Department/DivisionFields of study: শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান
- Centro Oeste Dona Lindu, Divinopolis Campus
- Distance Education Centre
- Animal Husbandry Department/DivisionFields of study: পশুপালন
- Architecture, Urbanism and Applied Arts Department/Division
- Biosystems Engineering Department/DivisionFields of study: বায়োটেকনোলজি
- Chemical and Statistical Engineering Department/DivisionFields of study: রাসায়নিক প্রকৌশল
- Chemistry and Biotechnology Department/DivisionFields of study: জৈব প্রকৌশল
- Computer Science Department/DivisionFields of study: কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান
- Economics Department/DivisionFields of study: অর্থনীতি
- Electrical Engineering Department/DivisionFields of study: বৈদ্যুতিক প্রকৌশলী
- Exact and Biological Sciences Department/Division
- Food Engineering Department/DivisionFields of study: খাদ্য প্রযুক্তি
- Geography Department/DivisionFields of study: ভূগোল
- Literature, Arts and Culture Department/Division
- Management and Accounting Sciences Department/Division
- Mathematics and Statistics Department/DivisionFields of study: অংক
- Mechanical Engineering Department/Division
- Medicine Department/DivisionFields of study: ঔষধ
- Music Department/Division
- Natural Sciences Department/Division
- Philosophy and Methods Department/DivisionFields of study: দর্শন
- Physical Education and Health Department/DivisionFields of study: শারীরিক শিক্ষা
- Physics and Mathematics Department/Division
- Psychology Department/DivisionFields of study: মনোবিজ্ঞান
- Rural Sciences Department/DivisionFields of study: কৃষি প্রকৌশল
- Social Sciences Department/DivisionFields of study: ইতিহাস
- Technology in Civil Engineering, Computting and Humanities Department/DivisionFields of study: সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং
- Telecommunications and Mechatronic Engineering Department/Division
- Thermal and Fluid Sciences Department/Division