ইউরোপীয় পলিটেকনিক বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Founded 2010.
National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
Grades 2
মাস্টার্স ডিগ্রী,
স্নাতক ডিগ্রী
or equivalent
Languages 1
Divisions 7
- Architectural Design, Theory and History of Architecture Department/Division
- Communication and Computer Technology Department/Division
- Construction of Buildings and Facilities, Building Materials and Technology Department/Division
- Economics, Management and Administration Department/Division
- Green Energetics Department/DivisionFields of study: শক্তি প্রকৌশল
- Psychology Department/DivisionFields of study: মনোবিজ্ঞান
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: EUR
750.00€ – 2,000.00€
অনুরূপ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Your currency: USD
784.43US$ – 2,091.80US$