প্যারিস-ডাউফিন ইউনিভার্সিটি
Founded 1970 under the 1968 Law reforming higher education as one of the Universities replacing the former Université de Paris - founded in 12th century, constituted as Universitas Magistrorum and confirmed by Papal Bull 1215, suppressed by the Revolution in 1793, replaced 1808 by an Academy of the Université impériale, reconstituted as university 1890. A State institution enjoying academic and financial autonomy, operating under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Education and financed by the State. Its structure is based on a series of Unités d'enseignement et de recherche (teaching and research Units) with emphasis on studies in Management Sciences. Each Unit enjoys academic and administrative independence. Becomes grand établissement 2004.
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 20
- Lifelong Education Centre
- Management Graduate School
- Sciences of Decision-Making Graduate SchoolFields of study: গণিত এবং কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান
- Finance InstituteFields of study: মূলধন যোগান
- Research and Innovation Management Institute
- Business Management Research Division
- Economics and Applied Economics Research DivisionFields of study: অর্থনীতি
- Economics and Management of Health Organizations Research Division
- Energy and Raw Materials Geopolitics Research Division
- European Finance and Management Research Division
- Finance and Management Research Division
- Identities and Cultural Interactions on Applied Linguistics in Languages for Special Purpose Research DivisionFields of study: ফলিত ভাষাতত্ত্ব
- Institutional Management Research DivisionFields of study: অর্থনীতি
- Law Research DivisionFields of study: আইন
- Management and Sociology of Organizations Research Division
- Mathematics of Decision-Making Research DivisionFields of study: অংক
- Prospective Marketing Strategy Research DivisionFields of study: মার্কেটিং
- Sociology, Economics, Political Science Research Division
- Applied Economics Unit
- Mathematics and Computer Science of Decision-Making and Applied Economics Unit
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (baccalauréat) or equivalent, or special entrance examination