ন্যাশনাল মেডিকেল ইউনিভার্সিটি ওগো বোগোমোলেক, কিভ (NMU)
Founded 1841 as Medical Faculty of Kyiv Saint Volodymyr University, reorganized 1920 as Kyiv State Medical Academy, reorganized 1921 as Kyiv Medical Institute, and acquired present status and title 1995.
Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine
Languages 3
Divisions 6
- Preliminary Training Department/Division
- Advanced Teacher Training Faculty
- Military Medicine FacultyFields of study: ঔষধ
- Pharmacy FacultyFields of study: ঔষধালয়
- Stomatology FacultyFields of study: দন্তচিকিত্সা
- Therapeutics FacultyFields of study: সামাজিক ও প্রতিরোধী মেডিসিন
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Atestat zrelosti) and entrance examination